Thursday, October 06, 2005

You might say, "That's ironic,"

But I say, "This fucking sucks. And so do you, titface."
See, I'm a disabled vet. I get a pension. Uncle Sam gives me a little money for taking some knocks for him. So I've got that going for me- it's like a sick perk.
The downside, of course, is that I'm disabled. My back and shoulder are all fethed up.

So I've been working on this art project for Halloween- probably the most ambitious piece I've ever done.
Been kinda bummed because I recently came to the conclusion that I wasn't gonna be able to finish it solo. My crew are great folks- they helped me come to terms with that.
I've suffered intermittent artist's block throughout the project, got past that.
Now I'm dead in the water. My bad shoulder (the problem is actually in my spine, but manifests itself through the entire left side of my torso) has been bothering me a bit for the last couple of weeks, and today it went apeshit.

I can't sculpt because my entire left arm is trembling sympathetically with the muscles spasming in my back, shoulder and chest. So my big ol' masterpiece sits here, untouched, untouchable, and I feel like getting completely blotto.

Life sucks. At least I've still got the helmet I jacked from Uncle Sam.


Jeff & Chris said...

Isn't creating something better than not creating anything at all? As frustrated as you might feel it appears to me you are more inspired despite your injury lately than other points in the year?

You're not a glass half full or half empty kind of guy, more of a "fuck the glass its full of piss" type of guy.

I think the act of "creating" no matter how slow or unproductive in the end is what keeps the artists blood pumping. To not create at all is the killer.

Antipaladin said...

heh, yeah- something is better than nothing.
Artistically,I do better with halloween because I've got a concrete deadline, I'm part of a shared vision, I've got purpose.
The rest of the year, I have all these great art ideas and no real reason to do anything with them.
As for the glass, I've always thought of myself as a "What filthy bugger pinched my glass?! The beer was frankly piss, but it was my glass!"
But I digress. ;)

And I agree with your last point. I think Frank Herbert had it wrong- fear is not the mind killer. Stagnation is.

YamFu said...

I'd say "That's Erotic" but that would just get you excited.